The Importance of Strategic Planning in Public Administration
The Role of Strategic Planning in Public Administration In the ever-evolving landscape of public administration, strategic planning stands as a pivotal tool for navigating complex challenges. Public...

Bridging Differences: Mastering the Art of Getting Along
This blog is based on Episode 15 of our GovEd Talks Video series: Get Along Better with Anyone, Anytime, anywhere by Arnold Sanow, President, Sanow Professional Development LLC.

Accelerating Change Management: Nurturing Proficiency in Organizational Transformation
This blog is based on Episode 11 of our GovEd Talks Video series: Speed up Change Management at the Speed of Change by Dr. Raman Attri, Training and Learning Manager at KLA.

Strategic Planning in Action: Transforming Organizations for Success
This blog is based on Episode 8 of our GovEd Talks Video series: The DNA of Change by Sheila Balog, Organizational Development Consultant.

The Importance of Strategic Planning in Public Administration
Bridging Differences: Mastering the Art of Getting Along
Accelerating Change Management: Nurturing Proficiency in Organizational Transformation
Strategic Planning in Action: Transforming Organizations for Success

Posts by Paul Trampert:
Paul Trampert, PI’s Director for Budget, Cost and Performance Integration, has over 40 years’ leadership and management experience, including executive-level advisory in both the United States and 23 countries throughout the world. He has extensive experience, including as a Department of the Army Inspector General, designing, implementing, evaluating and integrating budget, cost and performance management systems to improve governance and he has conducted program analysis on behalf of the House Committee on Appropriations.