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Service-Disabled-Veteran-Owned-Certified_blue The Performance Institute is a Certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business


Advanced Performance Management

A training program for individuals leading performance improvement initiatives in government.




3 Days (24 Hours)

Monday - Friday
Virtual-Live | Instructor Led 

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$ 2,449 USD
Standard pricing

$ 2,527 USD
Credit card pricing

Master reviewing the performance of your agency's programs

Obtain the skills and a pathway to taking a leadership role in performance improvement initiatives in government.

Program Benefits

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Get your training via Flexible Learning Options

Explore our performance-focused training and certification paths in virtual-live, on-demand, or in-person settings. No matter your chosen format, engage with peers, join focused sessions, and more.

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Develop a Comprehensive Skill Set for Your Desired Area

Our programs cover strategy, planning, and execution. With over 20 years in the public sector, we guarantee your team excels in decision-making and gains sector-specific expertise.

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Deliver Efficient Solutions for Your Agency

Elevate your performance management capabilities to enhance project efficiencies and provide performance-based solutions to citizens.

Who should attend

We invite and encourage individuals at all levels of government (Federal, State, Local) to participate in this course. You will discover this program to be particularly advantageous if you are responsible for leading teams and fostering growth within an agency.

colleaguesOur most frequent attendees are:

  • Change leaders
  • Project managers
  • Change management practitioners
  • Continuous improvement specialists
  • IT professionals

attendeesAttend with a Colleague

If you attend the same program date with one or more colleagues, your teammates will each receive a $500 discount. The first person to register for that date will pay the full program fee and additional colleagues will receive the $500 discount. For questions email: info@performanceinstitute.org

Learning Objectives

Align Programs to Results: Proven approaches for aligning programs and management initiatives to an integrated performance management system for your government organization

Overcome Internal Resistance: Techniques for gaining leadership buy-in for performance improvement initiatives – and building a performance team of program managers and line employees sets

Taming Data and Metrics: Tools and methodologies for managing the deluge of performance information to find the most meaningful measures and data sets

Agile Performance Management: Refine and adjust your performance measures and initiatives to fit changing environments in government

Course Agenda


Government Performance Manager Career Path: What it takes to lead performance improvement initiatives

  • Landscape: Update on the latest trends and mandates in government performance management
  • Opportunities: What roles do performance managers play in government?
  • Advancement: How do you position yourself for one of these roles?
  • Skills Development: What key skills do you need to be a performance manager?
  • The Community: How you can network with other performance improvement leads in government to access lessons and best practices
  • Exercise: Participants will introduce themselves, and their work experience, and discuss a performance improvement
    the initiative currently going on within their government organization or one they would like to see launched.
  • Participants will be asked to apply concepts learned during the course to their cases.


The Five Major Barriers to Strategy Execution in Government

Definition of the Barriers and Signs Your Organization Has  A Problem With Them :

-Vision Barrier
-Requirements Barrier
-Resources Barrier
-Measurement Barrier
-Leadership Barrier


Assessing Your Starting Point: The Government Performance Management Maturity Model

  • Conducting a comprehensive assessment of
    your government organization’s current use of performance management concepts
  • Identifying weaknesses in the current approach to performance management
  • Tailoring your approach to performance management to build the capacities lacking within your government organization


Defining the Scope of Your Performance Management Initiative

  • Selecting Your Targets: Identify performance improvement opportunities and cross-walk to external mandates or internal leadership policy goals
  • Project Management Fundamentals for Performance Improvement Initiatives
  • Managing and scheduling kickoffs, working sessions, review points, and more
  • Resourcing your initiative: understanding your own budgetary and resource constraints


Identifying and Developing Your Performance Improvement Team

  • Policy Leaders: The core group of leaders responsible for setting overall direction, approving lower-level plans, and determining the approach to and success of the  implementation management program
  • Planning Process Leader (PPL): The individual responsible for developing and managing the planning schedule, coaching individual teams and team leaders, and integrating final results into integrated implementation plans
  • Planning Unit Team Leaders: Individuals responsible for creating a team and performing the work associated with
    Situation Assessments and Action Plans
    Primary Planning Unit Team Leaders
  • Issue-Unit and Cross-Unit Team Leaders
    Other Team Leaders
Team-building and team development


RF AIM: Gaining Senior-Level Leadership Buy-In

  • Identify alignment opportunities between performance management and political, legislative, or Administration priorities
  • Looking for external supporters – stakeholders, program partners, media, legislative leaders
  • Making the pitch – and the importance of putting a price
    tag on leadership saying “yes”


RF AIM: Strategy Development and Situation Assessments

  • Unit overview of primary activities, deliverables, customer focus, size
  • Stakeholder analysis: whose interests are served and how well
  • Trend analysis of size and key operational measures
  • Values Analysis of customer and stakeholder values
  • Cost analysis for status quo
  • Competitive benchmarks for performance comparisons and important developments
  • External factor analysis and their potential implications
  • SWOT summary


RF AIM: Using “Performance Analytics” to Select the Right Performance Measures

  • 1 key criteria for effective performance measurement systems
  • Mapping all performance measures using the Logic Model
  • Activating only the vital few performance measures for actual use
  • Developing your measurement approach – the fewer the better
  • Setting up your own Measurement and Data Analytics function that drives the need for an initiative


RF  ALIGN: Cascade Goals, Initiatives, and Measures into Action Plans for Each Major Program

  • Program Alignment: Using the Requirements to Results approach to align program activities to new goals, strategies, and measures
  • Management Function Alignment: Identifying ways to harness existing management initiatives to integrate with
    your performance management initiative
  • Cross-Cutting Initiatives: Identify performance goals and measures that require inter-governmental collaboration and
    facilitating the buy-in process for those


RF ALIGN: Management Function Alignment: Identifying ways to harness existing management initiatives to integrate with your performance management initiative

  • Human Resources/Workforce Management
  • Financial Management/Budget
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Information Technology/Digital
  • Open Government/Transparency
  • Customer Service/Process Improvement
  • Legislative Affairs/Government Affairs
  • Regulatory Management
  • Acquisition and Contracting


RF ALIGN: Dealing with Cross-Cutting Performance Goals

  • Coordinating performance across programs within your organization
  • Coordinating performance across programs across the government
  • Coordinating performance across levels of government (federal, state, local)


RF ALIGN: Internal Communications Plan and Change Management Approach

  • Develop and roll out an internal Strategy Communications Plan
  • Clear expectations for Progress Reporting: what, who, when how
  • Clear expectations for Progress Reviews: who, what, inputs, agenda, outputs
  • Approach for tracking decisions and responses
  • Keeping it all in the right place: Strategic Plan, Performance Plan, Performance Report, Budget
  • Justification, Open Data portal, internal data portal, etc.
  • Develop and implement needed Reinforcing Mechanisms
    1. Results Management PRO to track, analyze, and report
    2. Needed data integration plan, systems, and report development
    3. Required key personnel additions
    4. Required training initiatives
    5. Performance evaluation and incentive systems adjustments
    6. Recognition programs
    7. Shared learning approach


RF ACHIEVE: Driving the Achievement of
Performance Goal

  • Data-Driven Performance Reviews: Facilitating a process for analyzing and using performance information internally to drive improvements
  • Performance Analysis: Selecting programs and initiatives for advanced program evaluation, data analytics, performance auditing, benchmarking, etc.
  • Post-Planning Adjustments to the Team: Evolving your team members and roles based on capability and interest 


RF ACHIEVE: Agile Performance Management
Techniques to Evolve Your Measures and

  • Adjusting Measures and Targets: Identifying which measures are actually being used, provide the most meaningful information, drive the most change, etc.
  • Refining Initiatives: Identifying which performance strategies are working, which are not. Prioritizing based on ROI,
    launching new initiatives, etc


RF ACHIEVE: Communicating Your
Performance Story

  • Going beyond your Performance Report to make your successes known
  • Outreach to media, legislative leaders, stakeholders, and program partners
  • Developing your external communications plan


As a course participant, you will gain access to:

  • The program workbook and handouts (if available)
  • Two-year access to our training platform, where you'll be able to revisit course materials and presentations
  • Early access to whitepapers, videos, webinars, and blogs


Credits from the following organizations are available by completing this program.



Other helpful resources

brochure-59The program at a glance | Download our Brochure

sf-182-59Advanced Performance Management SF-182 | Download SF-182

tips&email-59-1Securing support for certification | Download justification tips & email

After the program

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Once you complete Advanced Performance Management you will receive a digital badge and certificate accrediting your CPE Credits.

Celebrate your course completion by sharing your digital badge or certificate on your resume, and on social media platforms.

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Course Instructor

Instructor assignments depend on availability, ensuring an enhanced learning experience customized to the expertise of the most suitable instructor for the group.

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Our Consulting Services are structured to build capacity within government entities to strengthen performance management competencies, driving the creation of public value and enhanced services. We provide comprehensive services to support your agency accelerate your strategic initiatives and drive impactful results.